100% Handmade Leatherware
Ninox Leathercraft was founded in 2014 in Hong Kong. Our leather products are meticulously handcrafted, with a focus on simple and practical designs, complemented by a variety of color combinations to add a touch of elegance to everyday essentials. We have participated in various local markets such as JCCAC Market, Handmade Market, and mha Creative Bazaar, and have also conducted leather workshops in schools.
Recently, we have relocated to Toronto, Canada, bringing our artisanal leather craftsmanship and passion for design to a new international audience.
Ninox Leathercraft 於2014年在香港成立。我們的皮具產品都是經由全人手細心製造,以簡單實用的設計為主,並加入不同顏色的配搭,讓乏味的日常用品增添一份優雅美感。我們曾在JCCAC市集、手創市集以及mha創意墟等不同的本地市集參展,同時也曾在中學教授皮革工藝班。
Private workshop
Discover the art of leatherworking with our personalized one-on-one classes, offering highly flexible dates to fit your schedule. Click the button below to explore further details.